Loads and Dynamic Response of Aircraft 
Aircraft manoeuvre loads, flight test evaluation, dynamic gust loads.
Flight test: Definition and calibration of load sensors (strain gauges); Calibration rig design; Definition of the loads flight test program; Flight test surveillance and flight test evaluation; Author of several JAR 25 compliance documents.
Definition of an aeroelastic FE model
(NASTRAN), coupling of aerodynamics and structure;
Development of pre- and post-processing software for NASTRAN in-
and output; Load calculations according to JAR 25 (manoeuvre
loads, gust loads, sudden aileron deflection, flap/spoiler
deflections, landing loads, ground loads, etc.); Calculation of
elastic influence on aerodynamic behaviour (e.g. aileron
effectivity); Definition of the jig-shape; Investigation of the
influence of the fuel tank system and the fuel pressures;
Dynamic load calculations, evaluation and processing of frequency
transfer functions (discrete gust analysis and continuous gust
analysis according to JAR 25); Analysis of controlled A/C and
load alleviaton functions - linear and non-linear. Read for example the
abstract of a presentation given at the IFASD 2007/2009
(International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics).
JAR 25 / CS-25 knowledge: Especially in subpart C with experience from flight test and/or analysis in: Symmetric manoeuvring conditions; Flight manoeuvring envelope and design airspeeds; Load factors; Gust and turbulence loads; Rolling conditions; Yawing manoeuvring conditions; Unsymmetrical loads due to engine failure; Landing and ground loads as well as emergency landing conditions. Expert in airworthiness and independent checker of the demonstration of compliance under DOA privileges.
Aero-Loads-Stress integration: Design chain knowledge from aero production to FE loading and structure sizing.
Project Management 
PMI certified project management professional. Experience in change management.
Fluid Dynamics 
Experimental investigation of laminar-turbulent transition using laser Doppler anemometry (LDA): To read more about my scientific work in experimental fluid mechanics read the short EUROMECH abstract. or visit the IAG Uni Stuttgart page.